Hand and Foot

  First, thank you to everyone for praying, I appreciate you. I have been enjoying the light rains we’ve had this week. I got to enjoy them from inside the house though, I did not get soaked while out walking. God taking care of me in little ways.

  I have finished physical therapy, thank you to Ali for helping me (and Julie too!). Ali said I am doing good with recovery. During our last session we spoke about long term care and how I can keep progressing even though I will not be seeing her every week anymore. She also mentioned I would benefit from exercising in a pool for a time. This means for me I am looking to join a gym with a pool since I don’t have one. If you can help with this, I would appreciate it, donate by clicking here.

  I am still walking each day. Mostly around my neighborhood but sometimes I drive to a park near here. One morning a car pulls up next to me and a lady yells out, ‘hey lady.’ I look around and there is no one but me so I ask her, ‘who me?’ she laughed and said yes. She shares how she has seen me faithfully walking each day and she wishes she could do that. I think you guys know me so you can guess what I said. Yes, I invited her to walk with me. We are trying to get that coordinated but I think first we will grab some coffee together and get to know each other some. Her name is Shi. Please pray for our time together.

  I am getting ready to go visit my parents this week. I have not seen them since before leaving for Uganda. For almost two (2!) years, wow. I will be driving up with my friend Debbie on Thursday and Friday. Debbie did me a huge favor and learned how to play ‘Hand and Foot,’ a canasta game. I don’t know about your family but my family plays games when we get together. Always some form of cards but the last few years we have been playing Hand and Foot. Thanks Debbie for graciously learning how to play. I taught her so well she beat me the last time we played! I think she will be fine playing with my family and we should have fun, too. Prayers for our travel and time visiting with everyone.  

  I have one more prayer request. Many of you are praying for Mel, Suzanne’s dad, since he got covid a few weeks ago so I want to keep you updated. Thank you for your prayers. Mel is still intubated in a medically induced coma. He has pneumonia now, too. They are rotating him to his stomach 16 hours each day and then to his back 8 hours each day. He is experiencing other healing, he has a pace maker that doesn’t seem to be working as hard as it was before. He does have an underlying medical condition but maybe God will use this time to heal him completely.

  Thanks and I’ll check in with you again next week from my parents house.
